have u ever wonder, how easier i would be if the mv is nice and so is the song? like nice nice, disregard the fact that they put effort on it so we’re obliged to appreciate it, forget about this. we will not struggle if the gp will watch the mv bec they like it—
and it’s not only us fans who will do all the “required” streaming. Imagine how it would be like. Waaayyyy easier, accept it, it aint as nice, thats why we cant get the views
im not saying carats should stop streaming bec heck we need to do all the streaming, but like we’re not gonna struggle for how many consecutive comebacks if they just have at least one song like God’s menu wherein it just blows, goes viral and all that and boom 100m
because the song is actually nice and what makes the streaming easier??? It’s coz the mv is worth watching, with all teh transitions going on. left n right and home;run aint IT. it sounds good and i will listen to them still, but it aint the type that will draw the attention—
of the general public and the masses which i think is just fine bec as what the great wonwoo said, numbers aint important as long as their songs would leave an impact to people. what i wrote hurt but these are facts yall should shove down into ur throats :)))
fear and clap are worth watching, i judt feel like i have to say this
if u are really here for the music then u wont feel the urge to stream coz heck no, it aint it. those that are streaming, admit it yall are streaming coz of the looks, hard truth but facts. not generalizing though :))
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