concept: a writer's group except i already know i like everyone's writing style & we do it as informally as possible via comments on shared google docs and no one submits anything that takes longer than 6 minutes to read bc time is money bby + my attention span is shit
oh and also it's capped at like five people because once again i have no time nor attention span <333333

this sounds like a joke but im kind of serious maybe bc i need motivation to write literally anything

i guess message me or something if this sounds goodish, idkidk
the "i already know i like everyone's writing style" was kind of shitty! i actually love critiquing literally anything, but especially fun and nice is flash fiction, lyrical short fiction, "pop up" style non-fiction pieces, creative journalism, narrative poetry, etc. :))
probably no high-fantasy or anything that relies a lot on world building (it 100% has a valid place; it's just not something i can critique well or enjoy critiquing)

also I fully will probably delete this and tweet it in a better way tomorrow bc this thread was clearly a mess
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