So let me tell y’all how the universe is something else lol! I have the most divine encounters.

My Uber driver a few days a go picked me up & was making small talk about the virus & the many documentaries out about “plandemic” etc etc. I’ve watched it, but I wanted to truly⬇️
Listen to his stance & what he had to share, he gave me like 3 documentaries & a few people to look up on YouTube who shared their experiences with visions of what’s happening now with COVID. I took them down, & he doesn’t know me or the fact that I’m clairvoyant & a reader. We⬇️
Just two random souls, making small talk. Lol now picture why he goes on to say, he’s not talking about fake visions but real ones straight from God/source because they do exist. He said he had one himself a long time ago. I was like wow really?! Now I’m intrigued forreal! So ⬇️
He told me when he was younger, his brother passed in a plane crash & he has a vision of the incident the day before it happened, but he didn’t know who it was or where it was. I was speechless, didn’t even want to talk about my visions because I was mind blown by the⬇️
Whole Synchronicity of this man picking me up, & being a seer/clairvoyant like me. Nothing is ever ironic. He told me he truly enjoyed talking to me because I was actually listening. I know that life. Most people don’t believe in visions or any supernatural happenings, but when⬇️
You’ve experienced it for yourself, there’s no going back,Your whole vision of life expands. you don’t have to prove your gift to anyone because you know what you’ve experienced is real. The right ones will hear you. He was super nice & wished me a blessed day. My life is amazing
I be meeting real life earth angels too. I’ve also heard many stories of divine encounters especially from people who transitioned for a few seconds & came back, my mom included. I’ve seen spirits, angelic beings & ascended masters in my dreams, visions & as energy/matter in ⬇️
In broad day light. Imagine looking at your wall and seeing a figure that reflects a rainbow hue. Huge, tall figures. When I say tall, I mean freakishly tall. Lol I’ve woken up out my sleep & looked at the roof only to see an angel, very similar to the statues I’d see during ⬇️
My childhood. All angelic beings don’t appear with wings, but this time I saw wings and I was so freaked out by it. I’ve seen bird wings, but never wings this big, I also had never seen such a divine presence. She was beautiful, she looked peaceful. Her hands were open & she ⬇️
Was hovering above me. I can’t front? I was a lil scared lol it just was so clear that I didn’t know how you react. I covered my face with the cover & went back to bed. Now funny thing Is, I slept with the cover over my head for many years since young. Looking back, it was ⬇️
Because I could see &hear things when I was going to bed & I used the cover to block out hearing it or being touched by it. Lol I’m wrote a book about my journal with angels & I can’t wait to share it with you all. It’s a reason I have so much faith. I’ve witnessed amazing things
I *
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