Today's PSA:
The people who are in the streams you enjoy—or don't enjoy—are still PEOPLE. I've recently had high-level performers confide in me how bummed out they'd gotten over fan toxicity lately, and that's really a drag. 1/
So many times I've gotten 'oh, I didn't know the cast would see this;' well, if you wouldn't say something to a person's face, maybe don't say it at all. And it's fine if something isn't your jam. I don't watch some HUGE shows/streams. I also find no joy in ragging on them 2/
Which is an odd staple of geek culture: Trashing something to show how much you love it. You can spot a Star Wars fan by the venom they spew at the movies they don't like. Sports fans don't get off on trashing 'their' team, I've never understood why geeks seem to. 3/
I myself give a ton of time and access to fans; interacting with the people is my favorite part of all of this. I am also pretty emotionally resilient; it takes a LOT to get under my skin, but once something has you'll find out RIGHT THEN. 4/
Recently I started participating in a new community that has a small but particularly gross culture of negative criticism. For me personally it started as criticisms about my performance that were factually inaccurate, which I pointed out. That was just the beginning. 5/
Now, I got lucky y'all. I was HOT for a few sessions. But instead of being like 'wow, that's crazy luck' like MOST of the community, a dedicated few set about implying that I must be cheating.

So I shut that shit DOWN.

This is a reputation business. Branding IS reputation. 6/
And I said "be careful who you accuse of cheating, it's a good way to get your feelings hurt." Which unleashed a torrent of pearl clutching about HoW COUld you say soMeThInG LiKe ThaT and the answer is:


Criticizing my performance is one thing, that's aesthetic. But criticizing *my character as a man* is good way to get read to filth. I did it then, and I'll do it again. Hell I'll rinse someone for besmirching my friends honor, too; I can't express the extent to which IDGAF. 8/
And last, but certainly not least dear reader:
There's an odd correlation between these arm chair expert's critiques and who their targets are. They disproportionally affect women, and people of color. We can't possibly perform at a high level, so the haters try to tear us down 9
Nowhere is it written that a performer owes you access. If you get it, it's out of love, and can be revoked. Normally I guess I have enough of a track record of being not the one for that nonsense, but I guess these new people didn't know who I am. But they sure as shit do now X
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