Batman’s the cold lone wolf “beat anyone with enough prep time” bullshit and always being one step ahead of everybody
Spider-Man being a super genius and having his geekiness make up his entire personality
Deadpool being a fucking joke who’s obsessive over tacos or some stupid shit
Harley Quinn being the icon for edgy 14 year old girls who get all their clothes hot topic
People thinking The Joker is right 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
Constantly trying to reinvent/update The Fantastic Four
The Inhumans trying to replace X-Men promotional wise
The Avengers overshadowing pretty much every marvel team
This fucker
Thanos being the big bad of the Marvel Universe (it’s Doom btw)
People thinking Deathstroke is/works best as a Batman villain
Superman being a bad guy
Not quite there but I have a feeling I’m gonna be really tired of this mf
Multiple Spider people aside from Peter Parker
X-Men redesigns
These lowkey bother me the most but that’s about it. End of thread.
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