An exchange between @BrodinPetter and @VirusesImmunity on #LongCovid

The (presymtomatic) days from #SARSCoV2 infection to the onset of #COVID19 symptoms are a "black hole"

Is something already going wrong with the immune system of (future) long term patients?
More discussion here 👇 with mention of #MISC--- the inflammatory syndrome in children, which has been linked to #COVID19 @felicitycallard

#apresJ20 #covidpersistente #MitCoronaLeben #koronaoire #LongCovid
The whole discussion came from a great thread on the role of IFN-I in the body's response to #SARSCoV2 infection 👇

Optimal induction of IFN-I should result in mild #COVID19 disease. But what happens if this is not the case?

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