Hey you!👋🏽 come prove me wrong

Weird things everyone does.

A thread
1. Walking into a room and then forgetting why you walked in.
2. Pretending like you're looking around when you try to stare at someone.
3. Saying 'yeah' and smiling when you didnt hear what someone said.
4. Asking "what" even though you heard exactly what the person said.
5. Picking up something you dropped with your feet because you're just too lazy to bend over.
6. When showering you cup your hands or arms to see how much water you can collect.
7. Having to reread what you just read because you weren't paying attention to what you were reading.
8. When going inside a dark room, instead of going in and turning on the lights, you reach your hands inside the room to turn on the lights before going in.
9. You put your music on shuffle but then skip until you find the one you want anyway.
10. That moment when you hear your own voice on a recording and it makes you want to apologize to every single person you've talked to.
11. You spell out Wednesday like wed-nes-day in your head when you're writing it .also feb-ru-ary.
12. You immediately go back and read an email right after you hit send.
13. You procrastinate when getting into the shower but hate getting out once you're in.
14. When you ask for the price of an item and it turns out that you dont have enough money to pay for it, you act as if you're still unsure whether to buy it or not.
15. Cringe remembering something you did years ago.
16. Have full-blown conversations with yourself in your head
17. Have panic attack when the cashier is already serving the next customer and you're not finish.
18. When you accidentally overhear strangers conversations and mentally give your opinion.
19. Dancing while eating in the kitchen.
20. Not being entirely truthful during the "truth" part of "truth or dare" or "never have i ever".
21. Ignore a message for a day, then reply with "sorry i never saw this."
22. Ignore my pinned tweet like it isn't the most interesting thing you've seen around here.
You owe me a retweet if I'm right.👌🏾💯
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