I think Lyle is exactly right here. This wasn't a decision on the merits, and we should assume that when the Court grants cert. and reaches the merits just before or after 11/03, a very real possibility is that all late-arriving ballots *will not be counted.* [1]

@rickhasen https://twitter.com/lylden/status/1318378409630797825
The Court's message to Trump's team about their prospect of success is loud and clear--and they know they're better off if they win *after* 11/03. What's more: This was the *weakest* case for Trump of the big ones remaining, b/c it was review of a *state* court's reading ... [2]
of *state* constitutional law. If 4 or 5 Justices are willing to reverse *that* (a very radical view, one that only be explained by pure partisan favoritism), then the judicial decrees in, e.g., NC & WI are even more vulnerable. (AFAIK the MI case in state court is finished.) [3]
The lesson here is that *everyone* in PA, NC, WI (at a minimum) should *immediately* act on the assumption that judicial decrees won't survive and that therefore they must comply meticulously with state statutes as written if they want to ensure their votes are counted. [4]
This means that if you know swing-state voters who are mailing in ballots, implore them to DO IT NOW and NOT wait until next week. And also make sure every "t" is crossed; every "i" dotted. Much better yet: If your health situation allows it, VOTE IN PERSON, ... [5]
... no matter how long the lines. DO NOT allow Trump's Supreme Court Justices, including Justice Barrett, to disenfranchise you. [6]
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