Apparently, Andre launched another *experiment*/*beta* today: Keep3r Network (KPR).

He mentioned "Keep3r" a number of days ago in a Yearn dev Telegram channel.

The launch seems to have flown under the radar.

*Not* an endorsement to buy Keep3r, just my observations about it.
10 hours ago, Yearn Deployer (Andre's address as marked by Etherscan) created a new contract pertaining to a new token called Keep3r (KPR).

Seen below is the first transaction pertaining to KPR. It was a contract creation event.
400 KPR and one ETH were pooled on Uniswap, giving KPR a starting price of just under $1.

The 10,000 other tokens were sent to the Keep3r token contract.
Unlike the previous experiment, LBI, no blog post was released to announce KPR's launch. For some reason, people still blame Andre for LBI, even after what happened with EMN.

Instead, the contracts and KPR's readme were posted to Andre's Github.

Here's a TL;DR.
Keep3r Network is a network to match workers (keepers) and jobs requested by projects that "need external devops."

Jobs can be anything as "simplistic as calling a transaction, or as complex as requiring extensive off-chain logic."

I guess it's like Fiverr/Upwork on Ethereum.
One example job that Andre mentions is calling πš‘πšŠπš›πšŸπšŽπšœπš() for a Yearn Vault.

Another he mentions is the πšžπš™πšπšŠπšπšŽ(πšŠπšπšπš›πšŽπšœπšœ,πšŠπšπšπš›πšŽπšœπšœ)
function in the uniquote ecosystem.
I understand that Andre has begun work on a number of cool projects at once and needs help (see below).

I assume he's launching this experiment to try to find a method to outsource some of the work. Just spitballing.
Anyone can become a keeper or register for a job in the network.

Keepers can become keepers by calling πš‹πš˜πš—πš(πšžπš—πš’πš).
There is a 3 day bonding period.

Jobs can be registered via governance or by writing the contract.
Some jobs are risky to run or require special access.

Andre says that those posting jobs can "specify a minimum bond, minimum jobs completed, and minimum Keeper age required to execute this function."

This is like adding search criteria on Upwork (5 star rating, x price, etc.)
The reward for each job will be paid in KPR tokens, specified in the job description.

Those looking for keepers to take jobs can pay out KPR by providing KPR-ETH liquidity on Uniswap. You get KPR credits worth twice the amount of the KPR you provide as liquidity.
Still not 100% sure how exactly the tokenomics work.

Trying to figure that out.

In short, though, Keep3r is like an Ethereum-based Upwork. Seems to be a byproduct of Andre looking for further hands in helping to support Yearn and his multitude of projects.
You can follow @n2ckchong.
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