allistic people are so stupid whenever they assume something is beyond an autistic person’s understanding holy fuck. we’re not idiots. we’re not babies. we’re not morally grey. and i think i especially hate that last assumption
really if you’re allistic just do not assume anything about us. wait for us to fucking tell you. just listen. please stop speaking over us so casually as if it’s as easy as breathing. and remember that we are INDIVIDUALS. we don’t all function the same
which is the way probably every single living thing works? none of us are the same. and yet allistic people commonly seem to think we’re exempt from that.
i dunno. you guys are fucking weird to me.
also if anyone makes some smart ass comment about how i’m generalising allistic people in this thread i feel i will snap. they’re my oppressors so i don’t have to be careful in my wording. i promise it will not harm them whatsoever or start any widely spread stereotypes
but just as a precaution, and because some people are morons, i’m not saying that EVERY allistic person is like this or does this. just that it’s incredibly common and a problem. autistic people are spoken over without even needing to speak first. all the time
idk. i hope this thread makes sense to other autistic people at least. i’m done ranting i’m gunna get up for the day finally and probably play hades
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