i want media to consume. maybe it’s time to rewatch fh
yeah i think i’m right. trying to block out my roommate and her gf might as well get fh brain worms again
i fucking. this was such a good idea i have so much serotonin. i’m gonna try not to lt too much bc i’ve seen it before obv but i am 💖💕💞💖💞💕💕💕💞💖
fig ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i forgot fabian just straight up punches gorgug 😭😭 but honestly public school really is like that we had sooo many fights in high school
forgot gorgug straight up died second episode 😭😭😭
this...... could be your dad!
i fucking hate br*nnans nerd voice it makes me want to punch him
canonically, fig has read foucault and i think that’s very cool and gay of her
fantasy michel foucault (this is a tweet for One person who isn’t even on twitter)
“round of crullers!!!” everything reminds me of him
basrar!!! i love this scene sm
honestly though i wish there weren’t cops in fantasy games 💀 not to sound like a nerd but in world where magic can happen and you can put whatever u want in it and u still put carceral solutions in it? ok cool
the cast’s first reaction to the cubby’s in general is ☠️☠️☠️
it really was girlboss of adaine to wreck biz’s shit like that
like i get it was a Bit but i Guarantee unwanted romantic attention is something as a woman siobhan has faced and like if i was a player i would uhhhhh not be chill with that. idk how to word this
idk sometimes b*rennan makes bad choices
i’m sooooo bitchy about br*ennan on here whooopsssss but listen. most of the time i don’t think i’m being unfair
tracker 💖💖💖
HELP IVE hc’ed tracker as non binary for the longest time every time they say “her” i keep thinking they are misgendering ahvsahbsjsbsbs s im so delousional
SEXY RAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sexy rat scene i think is actually when i fell in love with emily axford it’s just so funny i love her so much
i’ve said this before but sometimes the sounds on d20 are simply too loud and too crunchy if that makes any sense at all
pls d20 editors spare my ears. like sound effects + crosstalk + music = my brain is exploding
fabian is so gay truly like what the fuck
bad timeline is where they let ragh die
i take like four, five showers a day
i forgot fabian gave them all giftssssssssssssss i love him sm
also fig. i love fig so much.
aelwyn is so good actually i love her a lot
this isn’t even a projection btw i am a very good older sister i just think she’s fun
andhhanabsjahaba the gorgug flirting over text scene is so funny i remembered it so vividly
gorgug and zelda in general is just so funny
every time they say solesian (or whatever) i keep thinking they’re saying ceresian ☠️☠️
kristen: “i might be gay!!”
others: i thought you were sure???
kristen: “idk i’m keeping my options open”

throwback to me when i was ten and my parents asked me if i thought i might be gay and i said “idk yet i’m keeping my options open”
i totally forgot biz was like an actual villain ajsbjsbabdbsvdhvsnsdj
forgot about this thread!!!! anyway someone should’ve died at prom i wanna be destroyed
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