Stuck on how to begin your twitter pitch for #WTMPrep? Threaded are a few ideas that can help you get started.

( #WTMPrep info here👇👇)
1) Save the Cat pitch format (for those who are familiar with this method):

On the verge of a stasis = death moment, a flawed hero BREAKS INTO 2; but when the MIDPOINT happens, they must learn the THEME STATED before ALL IS LOST
2) another method is to start with the STAKES (if hero chooses option A, this bad thing happens. If they choose option B, that bad thing happens). Can be your query stakes or not. Then do a quick phrase or sentence of what the reader needs to know for these stakes to make sense.
3) list your:
- main character (with a couple words to describe them)

Play around with them and see how you can form these into a couple sentences that make your book stand out!
Maybe none of these is right for you, but maybe they’ll help get ideas flowing!

Also! Don’t forget your hashtags!! Choose according to the guidelines of the pitch event you will pitch in! Genre and age category are a must but you can choose others as they apply.

Good luck!
You can follow @AnnaMRead.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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