Normalize NOT travelling away from your family when you turn 18 and actually building with your family together and putting down roots in the same place for generations.
Modern culture’s normalization of “moving away” as soon as one is 18 is a divide and conquer strategy. College is mostly a useless way to gain debt.

Unmoored from their family, young adults are more readily controlled by the government and drugs.
If you are in close contact with at least two or three generations of your family, you are at a great advantage in this life and somewhat sheltered from the toxicity of modernity.

Anything that seeks to villainize your family to you is automatically suspect and toxic.
This is especially pertinent for girls. Girls should definitely never move away from home unless they are getting married. This protects them from world of harm, heart break and suffering that will harden and masculinise them, if not give them depression and anxiety.
Suffering builds men, and breaks women.
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