Timothée Chalamet’s characters and their coffee orders: a thread ☕️
Elio: he orders a wet cappuccino
King Hal: orders a shot in the dark (or red eye). Basically he wants the most caffeine possible w/o the bs
Daniel: he orders an iced mocha- he doesn’t give a shit about the caffeine he just wants it to taste good!
Kyle: he orders a black americano and you won’t hear the end about how it’s better than getting drip
Laurie: he gets a vanilla latte, extra sweet
Paul: he’s not quite at the point in his life to have an appreciation for coffee, but when in need of a pick me up it’s an iced caramel macchiato!
Gatsby: just a pour over, nothing exciting...kinda like his personality
Billy: idk whatever the fuck this one is. He doesn’t want coffee; he wants sugar, chocolate and whipping cream!
end of thread! hope you enjoyed ❤️☕️
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