to the weed enthusiasts of twitter: if you’ve started getting anxious or panicky from weed after years of enjoying it with no worries, i don’t have an explanation for you, but a potential solution... increase your CBD intake when you smoke.
if you get your weed from a dispensary, you can look at the percentages of THC and CBD for the particular strain you’re buying. otherwise, if you know your strain (legal or not), you can look up some facts about the THC/CBD breakdown (try leafly’s website)
if you look on a dispensary website, you may notice that a lot of the strains have little to no CBD (especially if you’re buying cartridges). try to find a strain that has better THC/CBD balance
the CBD will physically relax you in a way that’s less effortful than meditating or s/t (bc you’re smoking to enjoy yourself anyway, right?) now the more expensive option is to buy CBD gummies, which of course isn’t accessible to everyone
by expensive, i mean combine the weed cost with the $25-50 cost per CBD gummy bottle (which varies depending on the brand, dosage per gummy, and # gummies per bottle obviously), or you could try other CBD products too (oils, pills, etc..)
but yeah, my theory is that newer strains/versions are increasing the THC to make it stronger and decreasing the CBD that helps keep you calm!! it’s not so much about indica vs sativa, either- the only panic attack i’ve ever had was after smoking indica
some tips from spiritual twitter that have also helped:
-pray over your weed (whatever higher power you believe in or even if you don’t, it can make you feel safer)
-“charge” your weed with crystals (some rose quartz can’t hurt, iykyk)
also, if you’re consistently having panic attacks after smoking, i recommend (if you aren’t amenable to stopping or want to try again) significantly decreasing your intake and only slightly increasing it when you’re comfortable. (but i am not a doctor, plz see one)
i fucked this thread up initially but it’s fixed now. happy smoking
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