
Did you know, when I saw Crimes of Grindelwald in theaters, I almost left the theater after one scene not even 20 minutes in? When one of Grindelwald's followers murders a 2 year old child. I know it shows the evil side, but there are reasons behind it.

Main reason, ever since my cousin was born 11 years ago, I have become more caring and committed to the safety of children. Seeing them harmed, killed, or otherwise in a movie makes me infuriated to a level that I have to actively calm down.

One great example of this is when I watch Bram Stoker's Dracula. The scene where Dracula feeds his brides an infant child, I skip that scene now. Before my cousin was born, I could watch it without flinching. This just shows that I am growing as a person.

So yes, there are movies that I will actively watch, but there are scenes that I had once been able to watch without problem that now make my stomach turn.

Small Orange Hat Reviews Fact.
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