signs you are being emotionally abused- a thread

- feeling like you have to be careful of upsetting them - “walking on egg shells”.

- never feeling good enough bc they put down everything you do despite trying your absolute best. which in turn makes you question if +
- everything you’re doing/ working on/ talking about will ever be enough. (this generally carries over into adulthood.)

- high sensitivity when they are near

- fearful for your mental health

- intense fear of public embarrassment/ humiliation

- put downs of your interests

- always feeling the need to defend yourself & prove you’re worth

- outbursts when you try to speak up about something out of their control

- trivializing - “you’re making mountains out of molehills” - downplaying your feelings and abuse

- indifference - they see you upset about (serious/ personal matters/ anything that is valid to YOU) and don’t care and do
nothing about this at all

- random name calling

- you find yourself apologizing and not even meaning it- bc you know you did NOTHING wrong

- constant insults on appearance (weight, acne, clothes. etc)

*** if you find yourself crying all the time & wondering why you’re not good enough or why you’re ever too much, i promise you that you are not & that you’re not alone.

i made this thread bc this is something i’ve dealt w for years now & i want other ppl to see this & know +
the signs & to get help early & leave before it’s too late! you’re not overthinking it. you can only defend an abuser for so long before it leads into something much worse. this is your gentle push to get help & reach out. it’s never easy but your mental health is SO worth it!! +
my dm’s are ALWAYS available to anyone in need or to anyone that wants to talk/ vent. pls stay safe & talk to someone. recognize the signs.
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