Just to nip this in the bud, a thread.

Glinner's previous fundraiser was originally for the case he dropped when hayden offered him an out. He said the funds were to be divided in 3 parts, a third to Vancouver Rape Relief, a third to @Kate_Scottow80 and a third to another woman1
Who, according to him and Debbie hayton, had been doxxed, lost her job and had been sued by tras. She hadn't. I happened to be in a dm group with her and had been keeping an eye on her for a while. She admitted that the 3rd person was her and she needed the money for a new 2
Mattress, hence #mattressgate. Upon further digging we found this women had gifted from numerous radfems to the tone of over 10k in less than a year, and that was only the money. Others had sent gift cards, weekly shops, clothes and xmas presents for kids she didn't have 3
Glinner and hayton wrote presented with this proof and glinner went on the attack. We were tra trolls, paranoid, jealous, mad, imagining things etc. It caused one of the biggest rifts in feminism at the time. Women were hounded off Twitter, out of activism groups and social 4
Feminist meet ups by, mostly men, defending glinner.
In the end glinner donated 100% of the fundraiser to VRR and wrote a personal cheque to the grifter, @Kate_Scottow80 was treated like shit by glinner and his glinneratti. I have never once said, made out or even thought that 5
He and hayton "absconded with the money" and I shall be taking advice for this allegation. I have not said there is a secret limit but that the limit was raised, as confirmed by glinner in whatsapp, to 60k as a "war chest" and he had no shame in admitting it, until he was 6
Told it wasn't a good move.
Now, I have no love for glinner, I don't believe a word he says nor do I like the way he uses women and abuses the radfem movement but he has overstepped this evening. I have screens, proof and witnesses to EVERYTHING I have said. Glinner with this 7
Email has slandered and incited hate towards a feminist who is on the ground, fighting this fight and standing up for women instead of using and insulting their intelligence. Once more glinner and his ego is causing a rift in a women's movement. I don't like lies, i can prove 8
Every single allegation in this thread.

Something glinner can't say about his email.
"war chest" from the horses mouth. 10
60k stretch? That's some war chest
Notice the date. 16/08/19 notice how he thinks I'm @Kate_Scottow80 and the misognistic language he uses to talk about her. 12
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