This stinks. Ties to the Soros family. All those panicky tweets now deleted. At very top of second image who is behind his Fellowship
Gene insertions from HIV Aids. Yes Bat Aids 
Dr. Eric Deng "The most virulent virus epidemic the world has ever seen...8 fold! A virus that spreads 8(X) faster than SARs..."
Also stylometrics it is like a completely different person last week of January 2020 versus his prior tweets.

"Holy!" "Wow" ⚠️⚠️⚠️ article 

More archived from Dr. Eric Ding, a leading voice of panic for the pandemic. #DrEricDing Archive 
He has wiped a lot of these tweets, which is super shady. Then there are his ties to the Soros family...
Paul Soros the brother of George in case you were wondering.

Also those scholarships only for immigrants or their kids.
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