Ok cool so here's some random twitter scams I've found to procrastinate working:
So, Annie replied to someone's SCP tweet with a quote about a ZK class scenario, which was immediately quote tweeted with some weird response from someone
So I was like, huh, why did they retweet that? Turns out it's a bot account that retweets/replies to posts containing the word "psychic", which Annie had said because I can't spell for shit.
And it turns out that there's an entire network of these psychic bots, that retweet each other too. I think their goal is just to get people to look at their bios, which links to some shitty online psychic service
While writing this thread another bot has retweeted my test tweet lol
While looking through the psychics accounts, I saw that they retweeted a post from a single mom who was begging for money.

This account has been spamming random users every few minutes for a month now, at speeds a human likely wouldn't be able to do (2-3 tweets per minute)
Also the email provided for the paypal is the male version of the twitter account's name, making me think that the account owner may not be a woman (I'm censoring the mom account on the off chance that it's a genuine mom who's just been using a spam bot)
Also also the tweet is coming from the twitter web app, meaning that it is using a bot not registered with the twitter API, likely because those using the API are closely watched for spam. (Throwback to the time twitter banned my whole account)
Also also also when the account was offered actual food from a local, they stopped respondingafter this short interaction.
And then I found that there was an account with the same irl name, but different @ that has also been tweeting recently asking for donations to the same paypal as the first, except this one used tag spamming to be seen. Also someone else called them a scammer lol
I've managed to link the account to a university in nigeria, and found what I think the scammer's personal twitter account is, and also the accomodation that they are/have been staying at lmao. Obv I'm not going to share any of it tho.
Basically, don't give money to strangers on the internet, don't trust psychics, and don't be a piece of shit.
You can follow @AnomalousBot.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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