A few things here:
- I wouldn't have a job if nobody got hacked
- having or not having any % of a password is meaningless unless it's 100%
- the very idea of IQ is rooted in white supremacy
- a hacker doesn't have to be "smart" or even smarter than you to pwn your stuff https://twitter.com/mshelton/status/1318303047647309824
you know how most people and businesses get hacked? social engineering. ever think about how much of your "secret questions" you give away on your facebook and elsewhere? it's a bunch, if you're using the questions literally.
you know what makes social engineering harder? treating your secret questions as passwords (because they are). and using 2-factor authentication (2fa), where a text message or a code from an app or physical token serves as a second password
another thing that gets people hacked? password reuse. don't do it! that makes your password only as secure as the least-secure system that you've used it on.
for instance: imagine that you've been using the same password everywhere for 15 years. you used it on an old php-based forum that's still online but hasn't been patched for a while. someone breaches that server and gets your password. now they can get into all your stuff.
if you liked this thread, just go fucking vote that asshole out. that's it; that's what i'm gonna plug here
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