One of the things I feel needs to be improved is the suggestion section of Nopixel. It feels very 'hands-off' when it comes to Staff review, in my experience. A thread can go months, with 3 pages of feedback and there's a sizable chance Staff won't say a thing.
This makes small-timers like myself feel unsure how to go about establishing a larger business, even if there's a positive response from the community. However I'm speaking from -my- experiences. Others might have had different ones entirely, which is why discussion is important.
In addition to this thread I'd like to add something of mention: There are times where Staff says nothing in a thread but will enact action at a later time. Much to the delighted surprise of the thread creator at times. This is good! But... >
> I feel that a more concise line of communication between Staff and Suggestion Creators should be more regularly managed. I know it's hard. We're a VERY large community. But it can be done. Even if it means bringing people on board to review these sorts of things.
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