In physics a singularity is a hypothetical one-dimensional point in space-time that approaches infinite gravity and density. A point that bends space and time towards it. A singularity is covered by an event horizon, a point of no return from which something endlessly falls
towards the singularity.

For this point we can't get any information since nothing escapes it. A technological singularity on the other hand is a point of inflection after which technological progress explodes outwards so fast that it is impossible for us to predict what would
happen in it. A point of no return from which no information escapes to the past.

But one thing that also goes neglected is that much like the singularities of blackhole, a technological singularity is also different from the environment that it emerged in in a temporal sense.
Let's go to ecology and evolution for a moment. The formation and destruction of equilibria is the name of the game here.

In nature, organisms compete for resources, for negentropy by dumping their entropy onto their environments. This manifests in three ways, extraction or
autotrophism, where ambient energy is taken from the non-living components of the environment, predation which is self explanatory and parasitism where an organism uses another as its entropy pump by leaching off it.

In nature there is competition, often harsh competition but
also the tendency for them to settle into temporary equilibria, a balance if you will until something, some organism evolving a mutation or some external phenomena tips it and some creatures thrive at the cost of others and some lose out. Now biological evolution is slow and
usually evens out, tendency is towards equilibrium. Whether it be some niche or global mass extinctions that lead to new lifeforms occupying ecosystems.

Balance and harmony are temporary and they shatter to create a new balance, and that shattering is how evolution works.

imagine a featherless ape that walks on two legs, it like many other animals uses tools. Sometimes made of inanimate objects, sometimes made of animate organisms' remains. This ape emerges in this environment but is unique, it develops culture and tools that could be used to make
better tools in a loop. It has cultural evolution and technological evolution, both of which move faster than biological evolution, it can evolve better claws before rivalling animals can even adjust to the older ones. It evolves on a completely different time scale and to the
animals that came before, predicting in advance what it would do is not realistic. No information escapes to the past because the past is incapable of it.

Now let's say we have a machine, an intelligent machine that can solve problem and build tools using its intelligence. Now
this machine figures out a way to expand its intelligence in a positive feedback loop, intelligence evolution or intelligence explosion. This is a singularity for us because this machines operates and evolves at a very different than frame than us, for anything in slower time it
is impossible to accurately predictm Cultural evolution can't hold a candle to intelligence evolution.

Now let's return to our monkeys, they have the ability to create a tool feedback loop, it doesn't matter how many do or don't, or many loops fail at launch, eventually one gets
it right. Now these apes are evolving in a different temporal scale that their environments that they emerged from can't ever process in real-time.

Now life itself that could adapt and evolve faster than dead matter is also a singularity, albeit a much weaker one. And so is the
formation of complex matter in the universe. Capitalism, too extends productive forces and decoding processes.

They are also inflection points after which something that had evolved within a certain timeframe breaks through to a new one, and much like the animals occupying new
empty niches and thriving, a point of singularity allows whatever is undergoing it to expand on to a niche that nothing else from the other side of the singularity could really touch without undergoing one of their own.

So for life like processes, be it organic, technological or
social, a point that allows it, for intelligence to evolve and adapt at time scales much faster than what it came from, to break away from a Molochian intelligence trap to tackle a bigger one in a point of progression that marks a qualitative and quantitive departure from older
slower methods of adaptation and evolution is a singularity.

If we call the technological singularity and intelligence explosion a singularity, earlier points that have the same behaviour and traits just on a different scale are by themselves also qualified to be called as such.
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