How can you construct your money system in under 4 hours?

Read below to find out the simple money system that has drastically improved my finances

1️⃣ "Pay Yourself First"

When you get paid you have to save & invest

Each person this is going to be different depending on your goals

For me
6% income to 401k - This is what is matched dollar for dollar in my plan

Not taking advantage of your 401k match is a terrible decision

Run the numbers on savings with and without a 401k match and the numbers speak for themselves

2️⃣ "Savings & Investing on Auto-Pilot"

Next the paycheck hits my account

What most of Americans do 👉 Spend everything

What you should do is set up automatic transfers

For me
This means 10% of each paycheck auto deposits into Short-Term Savings

This originally was our Emergency Fund

Now it has transformed to our vacation, car, and fun fund

You can get real in-depth here or just have one big pot of cash

Either way do this 🤯

This also means an additional 10% of each paycheck to investments auto deposits

At the beginning of the year this means my Roth IRA

At the end of the year once the Roth is maxed this means our taxable account

You decide the specifics but save & invest

At this point you can calculate up we are at 26% savings rate without even thinking about things

Our goal is to work this number to 40%

We can do that simply by logging into our banks and changing the amount deposited

Finally to show you how this works and the real benefit of creating a money system take my friend "Mike" for example

Mike makes after tax & 401k match 5k/ month

He auto saves & invest $500 each month

A total of $1K saved and invested each month

Keep Going 👇👇
Mike has adjusted his life to live on 4K

After 10 years mike has

Short-term Savings - $60K

Investments (Assume 8%) - $90K invested 🤯

Creating a money system can be done quickly and easily

Each of you reading this should have your own system

If you found value in this thread please RT for exposure

DM's are always open if you need help creating your own money system

You can follow @neeltwindad.
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