Life in this culture is like one of those rooms of horrors with scary mirrors and images of distortion every way we turn. But this, this willingness to change laws to alter the bodies and beliefs of pre-teen children, this is unbelievable.
That a mother would genuinely see herself as an advocate for changing the gender of her child at an age when the child cannot likely explain the term "transgender" is ludicrous.
Children should be protected by their parents from understanding adult behaviors and preferences. They don't need to know because they cannot understand the concepts. Children are not designed to understand long-term results of their current decisions. They haven't grown yet.
That's why there are parents.
Is it not enough that it takes an Executive Order to get medical treatment for babies that the Executioner/Abortionist failed to kill? Now we want to allow small children to be surgically changed before they're old enough to rationally determine their dinner choices?
Is there no longer any humanity in the human race that it becomes an election issue as to which leader would allow children to be put at risk when no one knows the long term effects, mentally and physically and emotionally, to these children?
Who will protect the children from parents who sacrifice their children on the altar of their own agenda? Would the medical community take part in this? Would the psychologists endorse this? Is there no one that will forbid the process?
Would we give permission to young children to carry loaded weapons or drive a car? This is surely no less dangerous, this letting children decide that they want to be physically altered before they're old enough to decide if they want to eat broccoli.
Insanity. In. Action. If this is allowed.
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