[🍓] reasons I'm staying alive, a thread.
- to see 2 bees holding hands
- to grow my own plants
- to see the next sunset
- because I want to see a blue butterfly
- I want to write someone a live letter and mark it with my kiss and a signature
- I want to live until I can cope with my illnesses and I wanna live til that day
- I'd love to adopt ♡ and marry someone I love
- to be the real me
- to touch a frog !!
- to own my own garden
- to own my own chickens and cows
- to own my own cat
- to name a cat pebbles
- flowers r rlly pretty :)
- to make a frog shrine !! and make it big!!
- to learn to sew, knit and embroider
- to fall in love with life again
- because I am worthy
- because i deserve to live
- because every storm passes
- I would like to hold a bunny rabbit :D
- to meet my online friends !!
- to wake up again tomorrow and do my best again
- I'd really like to have 11 teapots it's a nice number, I think I have 7 rn?
I want u to see how many of these apply to you, and I hope these make u wanna live too
I'll add whenever I get another reason ^^
I rlly wanna meet my moots irl ! at least some of them !
- I wanna dye my hair rlly rly dark brown, grow it out, curl it and dance in my most dramatic dress !!
now, some darker reasons:
- I don't wish to be a statistic
- I dont want to become the ones I miss
- I dont want to become a memory
- I want to be proof that living is worth it
- I want to love, I want to nurture the world around me
- I'd rlly love to get a pair of vintage shoes !!
- I wanna water my flowers tomorrow and drink my tea tomorrow and do tomorrow just like today
- I rlly wanna love, make others feel loved
the reason I'm staying alive, is because I want to FEEL alive one day, I want to THRIVE, I want to GROW

I'd love to live, until I fall back in love with life again
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