I want you all to read this thread and understand why I get so animated about the comfort with which people heap relentless negative caricature onto BM
My argument isn't about the accuracy of these numbers (they come from 538, usually a reasonably sourced polling outlet), what has me about to hammer toss my laptop out the nearest window is the bewildering "broad jump" in logic that occurs after looking at the data.
Start with these tweets:
You see it right? Trump increases support among all minorities (regardless of gender or age) and that somehow becomes

"The largest shift in Black voters looks to be in Black men. So I hasten to say we’re looking at a lot of misogyny."
There was a shift in ALL black people (and all Latino for that matter). All in favor of Trump. The shift in Latina women and Latino Men is comparable to the shift in BM... but we're looking at a lot of misogyny based off the shift of BM?
"And Politico talked with more than 20 Democratic strategists, lawmakers, pollsters and activists who explained that many Black and Latino men are open to supporting Trump as they think the Democratic Party has taken them for granted."
That was sitting right there, you didn't even have to think hard, you just had to read. But no... misogyny and specifically among BM.
There is nothing wrong with noting that there was a shift in support of BM BTW. The bias is in this reflexive impulse to eschew all other data in order to get to your preferred narrative which is apparently to tie BM to misogyny.
It's a comfortable narrative, it's self-evident without examination, and therefore readily accepted. No one will challenge you when you say it.
If the logic supporting this conclusion was consistent, we would note that there was a 19 point difference shift (in Trump's favor) in voters age 18-44 for both Black and Latinos. And thus safe to say: "we're looking at a lot of ageism" right?
By the way, the shift in support among BM means that the Biden Harris ticket will enjoy 78.5% of BM support instead of the 86% that Clinton received. The horror.
Meanwhile regarding Latinos from the 538 link: "We don’t want to overstate the influence of this group — they make up about 2 percent of the population age 25 and older nationwide — but they are disproportionately concentrated in one especially vital swing state: Florida."
If Biden doesn't win Florida, are folks gonna be on their heads? Or will the retreat be back to the familiar and the easily disseminated tropes?
And just to go full circle here: when a white woman was the head the of Democratic ticket, she enjoyed 86% support from BM, now that a white man is the head of the ticket, it's 78.5% and thus... misogyny.
I swear numbers, research, and reason routinely whoops some of y'all asses. I really want you all to want BETTER for yourselves but you'd have to want it also.
You'd have to resist the urge to resort to lazy and unsupported analysis; and apparently that's a lot to ask.
BTW, if you do a search of this person's tweets, you'll see plenty of those tweets explicitly endorse the notion that Black Lives Matter.
I hope some of you all sit with that apparent contradiction for a second and wrestle with it intellectually.
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