Being a man is crappy and tricky. Went out for a brisk long walk, 7Km to be exact. I came across a lil girl jumping off a combi, it’s getting a bit dark, she walks ahead of me, I switched on as per walking plan, unconsciously due to my long ass strides I kill the gap
Poor gets slightly worried 😟 and increases her pace, and I keep mine constant, again I close the gap. Now she breaks into a lil trot and fast walk, still with my tall frame, she ain’t no match. She veers off the road for safety or even to read the situation better.
Still I m oblivious to this lil teen in uniform predicament. I stay on my path and pass her. Only then do I see the bewilderment in her eyes. Shit broke my heart! I act unperturbed and continue with my pace for a solid 5 minutes, she is eating my dust at this point.
I guess then she realises I m harmless and starts trying to catch up with me, again I stride hard, she breaks into a jog behind me to keep up. As it gets darker I want ask her where is home so I can safely walk her home, then I risk spooking her if i say a word.
I slow down and we walk together in silence, 5 meters apart though. We getting closer to murky passages, I slow down to offer safety, but she is spotting “deer in headlight”look a bit dazed, vulnerable and worried, I got no choice but to pick up the pace.
We get past the passages into open roads and switch directions to head home. She stops a bit as if she wants to say something, hesitates and walks in the different direction. Whoever she I hope she got home safely. It’s heartbreaking to see this fear in women! I AM NOT OK!
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