Some thoughts on art block, anxiety, and why ups and downs in artistic output are a natural part of being an artist. Art is an emotional pursuit, and communicating emotional ideas to others is what makes art so powerful. 1/5
If we were perfect robots, then we wouldn't have feelings and emotional ideas to communicate to others, or at least they wouldn't be very interesting. 2/5
These inconsistencies and fluctuations are the things that make us human, and it helps to get less stressed out about a dip in output by thinking of these fluctuations as the very reason that we can make art in the first place. 3/5
If you are feeling pressure to always be making your best work and to always be "on," whether it is personal or professional pressure, remember that allowing ourselves the room to feel what we feel is the best way to actually make the work we want and are happy with. 4/5
Expecting perfect consistency and then beating ourselves up for not attaining it is one of the main ways that we can fall off of the path to achieving our goals. Consistency comes from years of experimentation and learning from failure, and it helps a lot to embrace this aspect.
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