Toxic relationships are never one sided.
It’s time we break away from the term toxic people or relationships. What it really is that it’s two hurting people trying to co-create with trauma. The stigma on people who cause pain is terrible in society. We view toxic people like as if they were born that way or they can
Never change and none of that is true. It’s important to talk about how people are like that so we can end all toxic behaviors. Even the ones in individuals we believe who can’t be “toxic” if you understand that like attracts like then you KNOW toxic relationships are never one
Sided. Usually it manifests into one partner being outwardly toxic and the other inwardly toxic. Someone who was groomed to hate themselves on the low will attract people who feel the same. Some are great at hiding it others not so much. However no one is right in the situation.
It is important to balance how you feel and think about yourself because you attract the same vibration. PERIOD. So here is how some unaware kind “toxic” people attract toxic relationships.
1. If you hide who you are to fit in/please your parents/society you will attract partners who will lie to you about who they are as well. If you fake confidence and hide insecurities out of fear you attract ppl who will show up different (they weren’t who they said they were)
2. If you are not patient and compassionate to yourself you will attract ppl who are not sympathetic to you.
3. If you are too busy to deal with your emotions and avoid them you attract ppl who are emotionally unavailable to you as well.
4. If you believe you’re not worthy of someone sticking around you will attract ppl who abandon you.
5. If you can’t forgive yourself for something then you will attract ppl who are vindictive.
6. If you control how you act/feel from lack (feeling out of control) you will attract people who want to control you or be possessive.
7. If you do everything for everyone (self-sacrificing) you will attract ppl who are not loyal to you because you’re not loyal to yourself
8. If you constantly compare yourself to others you will attract ppl who are easily jealous.
9. If you don’t trust yourself from past mistakes you will attract people who won’t trust you either
10. If you second guess everything and yourself you will attract ppl who will second guess you as well.
You see how everything truly starts with you? The sad part is not many people know that and want to blame others for not being self-aware. Well news flash most people aren’t which is the point of relationships. To show you the favorable and unfavorable traits you possess
When you look back at your bad relationships, look to see how you thought of yourself or treated yourself and take accountability. No one deserves to be abused and it doesn’t make it valid. However understanding will prevent you from attracting those situations.
Anyone who actively abuses is not doing it for joy. They may not even be aware. We all have had underdeveloped traits so this is where compassion is needed. Once you understand that is when you get your power back. All love and understanding♥️
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