why linux is better than windows: a possible thread

the linux kernel has been around since the 90s, almost as long as windows has been around. windows has had some customisation since the first release. almost all linux desktop environments (de) are extremely customisable.
and on the topic of customisation, windows requires that you activate it in order to change the colours. seeing as linux and most of the de's are open source, theres no need to activate anything as the software is free. this also means that you can customise it more than windows.
software. while some big programs are on linux, a lot arent, and thats where wine comes in. it allows windows apps to run on linux and mac, and is also open source. however, not all programs are fully supported, and compatibility can be checked at http://appdb.winehq.org .
user base. windows has a majority of the market, and with that, it's also a lot more vulnerable to attacks. it also doesnt help that it's closed source, so nobody can look at the source to try finding possible backdoors. linux, being open source, is less vulnerable.
stability. windows 10 has always been buggy. even on the latest 20h1 release, it's not super stable. linux is very stable due to users finding bugs in the code and reporting them to the linux foundation. linux has only ever crashed on me once.
updates. windows updates whenever it wants. itll restart your pc and you wont be able to use it for 20 minutes. most linux distros, however, only require one command to update the system and you just restart whenever. how long it takes to restart is how long it takes to update.
hardware. when you install a new copy of windows or upgrade a gpu or something, you have to install drivers. linux just works in most cases and doesnt need drivers to use the new hardware. new gpu? no problem. different motherboard? itll work. new soundcard? it works.
theres probably some areas i missed, and i'll update this if i have to, but this is everything i remembered.
preformance. windows 10 doesnt really run on older hardware that well. it does work, but not always to the best it can run at. linux runs great on older systems, and may actually speed up games that you try to run. it also doesnt immediately eat half of your ram and cpu.
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