Some people are asking why anyone would question the authenticity of the Hunter emails, so I'll say why I do—because no one has actually seen any emails. What NYPost published are image files and PDFs purporting to represent emails.
Metadata from some of the files indicates that they were edited in Photoshop, so there is evidence that the files were modified. Here is thread from a disinformation expert from Johns Hopkins who knows more about this stuff than I do.
That doesn't prove that they are not authentic (as @RidT notes, the editing could be for formatting, and metadata can be altered) but it's a substantial basis to question the authenticity, especially in light of the fake and edited emails released in the recent French election
That gets more significant when you ask yourself—why didn't they just publish the email files? According to NYP, Giuliani got the emails from the actual hard drive, so he must have the actual files. It wouldn't take much effort to publish those
And as @ErrataRob wrote, the cryptographic signatures in the metadata would make it easy to confirm authenticity. The signature would show not only that the email was actually sent, but that the contents were not edited.
So, according to the story we're asked to believe, Rudy has the ability to easily and persuasively (if not conclusively) show that important evidence against Biden is authentic, and instead produced files that were altered. Again not proof, but a reason to doubt authenticity.
But what if the story isn't true, and Rudy doesn't have the hard drive? Maybe he got the PDFs/images from an anonymous source, so he can't produce the files. I think that leads to the same place b/c, if true, that means even Rudy can't attest to authenticity of the emails.
(Not to mention, when someone lies about how they got certain documents, it's easier to believe that they aren't being honest about other things as well.)

I really don't see any evidence that makes me inclined to believe these emails are real and unaltered.
Maybe the most compelling reason to believe they're real is that the Biden campaign hasn't denied it. But I have trouble with how much weight to give that. They're not from Biden or the campaign, so they genuinely may not know.
They could ask Hunter, but even *he* may not know given that he was a drug addict and the story has him so bamboozled that he just forgot about not one but THREE Macbook Pros at some repair shop.
Maybe he just won't cooperate with the campaign? I don't know, it all seems strange. But in balance I think it's fair to put the burden on the proponent of the evidence, who by his own assertions has the ability to demonstrate authenticity. The failure to do so speaks volumes.
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