tw// self harm

i see a lot of ppl misunderstanding this twt, it may be triggering for some but most of the time it is not 😭 ppl like us go outside and see bald ppl everyday so we're used to it and trichotillomania is a type of Body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB)
it is different from self harm, Although hair pulling or other BFRBs may reduce negative emotional states for some people at various times, they are rarely engaged in to intentionally produce pain as in the case of cutting.
People with trichotillomania suffer from isolation, being ashamed, insecure and such. We may find hair pulling soothing and we do it to release some stress or pain but it is not self harm 😭
A lot of people think that it is rlly triggering for us cuz this may have occured due to early life trauma or sumn but in most cases it is not.
Bald edits are funny to me sometimes and never have i find them triggering, pls dont feel bad about yourself if you shared some contents like this cuz ppl with this condition arent rlly sensitive.
Most of us dont find these triggering cuz we see bald and shaved heads almost everyday. Im suffering from this for 12 years now and used to have trichophagia (trich wherein you ingest the hair you pull) and i can say that its not rlly a big deal 😭
Nonetheless if we find it triggering or not, pls be careful of what you post on social media and make sure your words won't hurt others 🥰💓💓💓
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