Quick tips for Anyone doing an HSL assessment for a job:

• be quick, time is crucial
• practice the tests repeatedly
• read the instructions carefully
• have a scientific calculator
• analyze & deconstruct the question
•don’t get stuck on a Q for too long
What to practice for numerical:

•know your ratios
•know currency conversions
•know percentage de/increase
•don’t get stuck on a Q for +2min
•analyze the ENTIRE diagram
•use face-value judgement if time is running out
•never skip a question, guess if you have to
What to practice for word reasoning:

•basic comprehension
•read the paragraph(s) fully
•don’t guess unless time runs out
•find the facts
•it’s okay to click “cannot say”
What to practice for personality test:

•be consistent with your answers
•be honest, but be smart about it

Personality tests don’t have a right or wrong so it’s not really a big deal.
Anyway, hope this thread is helpful although I’ve done about 10+ of these tests without being picked for the job 😂 just stuff I’ve noticed. Keep applying and keep taking the tests, you’ll get a result at some point.
You can follow @OllieWilli.
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