We just surpassed 2,000 subscription customers on our ecomm platform from a virtual standing start 90 days ago đŸ€Ż

Here’s what we changed to get there:
đŸ•ș We prioritized making it super easy to swap flavors, skip orders, or cancel a subscription *via text*. Take that, Comcast! đŸ“ș
đŸ§‘â€đŸ’» We added an exclusive subscription support email address and worked on unique email flows for subscribers that walks them through their journey with OLIPOP.
🚀 More broadly, we decided to flip the script and view subscription as a new sale every month. We’ve got to consistently win the customer over on every single order.
Humbled to be part of a team that is truly changing the game. Couldn’t have done this without my team, extremely thankful for them this morning. 😍🙏🧡
Okay - holy shit , this thread popped off đŸ•ș

Let’s keep growing and sharing 💕
You can follow @eliweisss.
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