would u rather thread: some are easy and some are hard :). qt don’t reply🙂🙃
minecraft or roblox
would u rather have legs the length of eyelashes or eyelashes the length of legs?
go to the beach or go ice skating?
TW// death

who u rather know when or how you’re gonna die?
imposter or crewmate?
would u rather loose all your money or all the photos on your phone?
hot coffee or iced coffee?
would u rather always have chapped lips or always have body odour?
skinny fries or thick fries?
would u rather have everything u eat be too salty or too spicy?
showers or baths?
would u rather never listen to your favourite artist ever again or never be able to use your favourite social media platform ever again?
waterslides or rollercoasters?
would u rather be 10x hotter or 10x funnier?
cruises or log cabins?
would you rather be so afraid of heights that you can’t go to the second floor of a building or be so afraid of the sun that you can only leave the house on rainy days?
mcdonald’s or kfc?
would u rather never get angry or never get jealous?
go to the movies or watch a movie at home?
would u rather travel 100 years into the future or 500 years into the past?
instagram or snapchat?
would u rather be able to read people’s minds or be able to talk to animals?
end of thread😁😁
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