Some big trends we're seeing in B2B content marketing.

First is interactive resources -- calculators, assessments, templates, tools, etc. They're evergreen, index well for search, and are incredibly valuable for people trying to learn something new (which is a lot of us rn).
Second: Educational courses. Educational content is the future of content marketing. It allows companies to leverage their unique expertise and give people a reason to keep coming back. But they need to be thoughtful, well-planned, and concise.
Third: Newsletters. Morning Brew and Substack are reinforcing a simple fact: newsletters are the centerpiece of smart audience growth. Make them niche, useful, a part of people's routine. They're proven to drive pipeline.
Fourth: Creative product stories. Dry product copy and explainers are over. To break through, B2B tech leaders are telling narrative stories with their product at the center. Microsoft's 88 acres is a great example of this.
Last: Branded shows, which give people a reason to come back. This can be anything from a webinar series to Moz's whiteboard Fridays to real narrative shows. Onboarding Joei from 360learning drove a €25 MQL vs €900 on other channels.

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