I and a friend were "attacked" by 8 policemen a stone throw away from my house. They divided themselves into 2 meaning 4 ARMED police officers per person. I was told to strip and one of them started taking pictures while the remaining 3 laughed and said some disgusting things
When he was done, they told me they would post the pictures on line and take me to the station if I didnt settle them. My purse was taken and my ATM card was held. These animals carried me to the GTB bank machine still unclothed. Asked me to put my pin and said I should clear
The account. I had 50 grand. I had just buried my father so financially I was hanging on by a thread. When they were done...they threw my clothes at me and left me there. My friend they took to first bank far away from me so by the time they were finally done with him
He had to drive back..pick me then take me home. I never told him exactly what they did...I just got home....bathed and cried myself to sleep. I am alive thankfully.
Things could have gone a whole lot worse for me that night but all they took was money.
Who was I to report to when the people who were sworn to protect me were the exact people carrying out the crime.
What was my Crime?
Just being 2 young people.
I still carry a burning HATRED for them and avoid them as best as possible.
So people who open their mouths saying we causing traffic and being a nuisance.....SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Some people have been killed...beaten..shot at...raped...whipped just for being young and dressing good.
Like looking good is a crime
We are fighting for a better society.
We are fighting for all the blood that has been spilled and all the parents who have had to bury their children.
We are fighting for all the girls who have been raped.
We are even fighting for a better life for these same police officers.
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