Please share this as much as possible and let me know in comment what you ssrians think of it, will decide based on it

Yesterday @swamy39 spoke against @republic 's Arnab which did not go down well with many ssrians, I was one of them

I am compiling swamy's side of the story.
Please let me help in deciding by sharing your opinion. I hope it clears the air.
I was an avid supporter of @Swamy39 and @ishkarnBHANDARI so instead of jumping to conclusion I felt a 24 hour time was must be given for clarification.
Given the nature of repo they have, it was foolishness to expect a direct response from them. But @Soumyadipta said a few things in their support, which makes me seem convinced.
However I still dont agree with timings and request them to resolve all truce and set an example of unity. by not uniting you are only making the protest weaker, please let your ego aside and come together. But i am compiling key take aways from @Soumyadipta
#01 According to @Soumyadipta , @Swamy39 with his feces remark has only made the case of murder stronger because in forensics this happen in the case of either struggle before death or electrocution which points toward use of stun gun
#2 if we jump to conclusion, misinterpret things or misrepresent facts by taking it out of context then we are no different than fake news dukan India today.
#3 whatever he might have said but @swamy39 is the one who is really working on ground to get aiims report cancelled, not the cult leaders like vibhor who in the name of contribution just makes fake claim used by India Today to malign ssrians.
#4 @ishkarnBHANDARI is a full time advocate but he still takes time out for ssr, if he is having some gaga time with his fans then it is not wrong. On this I think, the number of tweets dedicated to sushant is reducing recently, no issue with his play time with fans.
#4 Just that i felt he could have spoken more when another bhandari was arrested, all we got was one tweet that too without trending HT
couldnt find link for the same @Soumyadipta post on it so sorry.
#5 The main expectation of the opposite party is to divide us into camps so it is easy to dilute the movement. So many of them are disguised as fake ssrians. Vibhor and his following is biggest example, By being divided we are doing what they want.
#5 But @swamy39 should also understand it and resolve his issues with @republic and let go of ego in pursuit of justice.
#6 @swamy39 may even go to court if cbi doesnt file 302 in the case, he is equally doing as much as arnab
#7 I mentioned yesterday that despite of coming on republic @swamy39 spoke against him when he needed him the most. @Soumyadipta says even when he comes on republic there is a middle man in between of arnab and swamy
#7 however for the sake of public interest they all should now join forces, it is giving wrong message. Ego cannot be bigger than pursuit of truth.
#8 Last but not the least, lets be open minded, hear everyone out. lets not be driven by emotions and act on wits. It could have been a slip of tongue. lets not judge people on that, everyone makes mistake but what matters is intention.
With this I close my thread, all my doubts were cleared and questions were answered. Please on the demand of public I request @swamy39 and @republic to join forces and come together. Thanks @Soumyadipta for clearing all our doubts.
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