The clergy have decided to meddle in temporal matters today, specifically the #InternalMarketBill with some Good Friday Agreement grifting thrown in for good measure.

Unfortunately for them the bill in questions doesn’t support such claims.

The specific bit of the GFA they claim is under threat by the #InternalMarketBill is s 6(2) committing the government to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into #NorthernIreland law which was subsequently done via the Human Rights Act 1998

The portion of the #InternalMarketBill they appear to be referring to is Clause 47 that clarifies regulations set under Clauses 44 & 45 that pertain mainly to goods movements & state aid.

The Human Rights Act is referenced in s 2(a) as well as s 3 of Clause 47 with the implications outlined in s 4

In s 2(a) it says that regulations under Clauses 44(1) & 45(1)can’t be regarded as unlawful under any “relevant international or domestic law” (I’ll come back to that) & specifically cites that s 6(1) of the Human Rights Act does not apply.

s 3 “gold plates” the primacy of any regulations made under Clauses 44(1) & 45(1) referencing s 21(1) of the Human Rights Act & s 4 prohibits any legal challenges on the grounds of any such regulations being unlawful.

As I alluded to earlier any regulations made under Clauses 44(1) & 45(1) “have effect notwithstanding any relevant international or 35 domestic law” but what does that mean?

Fortunately this is defined later in s 8 of Clause 47 where it specifically says that the Convention Rights referenced in s 1(1) of the Human Rights Act are not covered by the definition of a “relevant domestic of international law”

So what does all of this mean?

Basically that all regulations made under the aforementioned parts of the #InternalMarketBill can’t be considered unlawful & cant be challenged in court on those or BS Human Rights grounds (bc the Convention Rights are specifically excepted)

So for example a minister couldn’t make a regulation under Clause 44(1) that removed the requirement for export declarations & reintroduced the death penalty as the latter would be unlawful because it would go against the ECHR conventions rights.

In my worthless & grotesquely unqualified legal opinion @JustinWelby is engaging in nothing but groundless partisan fear mongering & merely giving succour to those already that use and abuse the Good Friday Agreement for their own narrow political ends.

Despite the efforts of Most Reverend Archbishop to insinuate otherwise the ECHR Convention Rights are untouched by the #InternalMarketBill & the Good Friday Agreement remains unmolested.

I’d expect a lot more from the head of the established church, perhaps it’s best he sticks to his core text & pay particular attention to Exodus Chapter 23 Verse 1

“Thou shall not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness”

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