More questions:D Since I'm bored =w=
hii!how are you doing today?
Are ready to answer some questions?
What is your favorite snack!?
Which was the cartoon you used to watch alot when you were little!?
When is ur birthday??
What is ur dream job?
What is one super power you'd like to have?!
Light mode or dark mode and why?
Current favorite song?and artist
Are we friends?:D
Favorite food you like to have as dinner?
Favorite food you like to have as breakfast?
Ever been in a relationship?
Favorite and least favorite video game and why?
Favorite sport and least favorite sport and why?
Have you eaten if you haven't go eat
Favorite subject and least favorite and why
Like this thread?
Coffee or tea
Favorite quote
Roast me I wont mind lol
Hmm,did you sleep?
Last question:D are you bored?
You can follow @Aikover_themoon.
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