Shri Sita Ram Goel strongly felt that our inability to deal with muslim problem since the start of 'Arab invasions to Mughal rule' was due to the lack of any substantial study about the enemy from Hindu side

Hence he wrote a letter to UGC chairman to include some topics in-
-Political science curriculum all over the country

The proposed subjects of study include the following:
i. Islamic concept of State/Khilafat and its history

ii.the role of violence in an Islamic state

iii.the duties of a ruler in an Islamic state

iv.Human rights in an IS
v.position of minorities in an Islamic state

vi.Dissidence and debate in an Islamic state

vii.The role of Fatwas in an Islamic state

viii.The concepts of Jihad,Jiziyah,Ghanimah(plunder),Dar-ul-harb and Dar-ul-islam.

ix. The Quranic concept of war

x.Banking and Usury
xi. plurality and hijrat

"The study has now become imperative in national interest and should no more be neglected.such calamities as partition of India and Kashmir problem could have been avoided by proper study and evaluation of Islamic political thought"
He also adviced to include 4 periods of Islamic Khalifat in History curriculum, they are :

i.First Khilafat-period of pure theocracy 632 to 661 A.D

ii. Second Khilafat-661 to 1258 A.D . The Khilafat too the shape of hereditary temporal dominion

iii.Third Khilafat: 1258-1517
A.D the Khilafat had no sovereign rights, and temporal authority was wielded by Mamluk Sultans of Egypt and Muslim princes

iv. Fourth and last Khilafat (ottomon) 1517-1921 A.D abolished by Mustafa Kemal.
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