I know it's almost a joke how much some of us praise Tav due in part to some over the top criticism, however don't think he's got the credit for Saturday.

Unbelievable delivery for the first, his 9th goal or assist in the league this season. 2 more contributions than next best.
He's a rb who is essentially a winger at times and is almost always available (a ridiculous engine.) For games and training sessions and a reason he is captain - the players look up to them whether Billy from Govan thinks he is captain material or not.

He leads by example.
Tavernier is also part of a defence who has conceded just 3 times in 11 league games. 4 teams have failed to register a shot on target. 3 others have only managed it once.

The notion he can't defend is simply nonsense and should stop.
His goals and assists per 90 this season in the league is 0.821.

That's simply ridiculous numbers and doubt any full back can match that in any league.
Not just this season but he has lead this side so many times. How many times has he took it on himself to take on 2 or 3 players late in games driving on to get a late winner or game sealing goal.

Only the fans will deserve this league title as much as Tavernier will imo.
To end the thread, mentality is something aimed at this side and Tavernier as captain, if we can get over the line and win shiny things then I expect the minority that still hold his previous deficiencies against him will see the light. We're very lucky to have him.
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