minho pics i own - a thread
ive only been unhealthily obsessed with him for a month so there isnt that much. i just want all my minho pics in one place. whenever i save x amount of pics ill add them to the thread so this thread with grow over time. this was intended for myself but i hope yall enjoy this too
oh and just for memory's sake HSBSUSJ this is where it all started lmaooo with felix in that one interview. was and still am very in love with his smile
this isnt supposed to be a minho cat thread JSVJSN i cant help it 😭 anyway that screenshot is the first minho picture i saved
(this is how you look cute by the book)
many of these come from @linoIip thank you. this is all your fault.
these are already in the thread but look! now theyre square
ft. barefaced babie hyunjin and???? felix???? i cant tell their face is covered
pingu time
im actually very obsessed with this one
that one time he got confused and didn't know if he should wave at the fans on the screen or at the camera 😭
i just realized how i save one picture multiple times on different occasions?? guess i keep forgetting i already have them?? like im posting the orange hair pout picture for the fourth time already 😭😭
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