Regarding the debate on transgenic crops in Colombia, I am currently surprised by the absolute unawareness of studies that recognise negative impacts, denying their existence, disqualifying other perspectives as ignorant and thick,...
Although mainly big industrial plantations and agribusiness are profiting from the current commercial GM crops, we still hear their promoters saying that these developments are made especially to improve peasantries and "the poor", why?
Another interesting debate coming with the "sterile myth" and irreproducibility of new generations of individuals with same characteristics and %germination (& it's illegal anyway), is the opposite case of gene drives: a technology made to induce mutations
This technology would not be applied to crops but to weeds, to make them more vulnerable. Their potential release in uncontrolled environments have the highest ethical implications.
Same as with the so-called terminator seeds (genetically induced infertility) a moratorium has been achieved so far by global NGOs. However, the developers are lobbying... particularly in countries they considered underdeveloped ("easy target") 
Other aspects that haven't been included so far in this thread are related with social/political/macroeconomics considerations. One of them is seed business and how big players use technology to discourage renewable agriculture, favoring big corporations
Guess who the winners are in the long run (Figure 6. Big Six cross-licensing agreements for transgenic traits)... To much for a technology for "the poor", don't you think?
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