#endometriosis care needs to be intersectional and inclusive of all communities. Studies have proved that those from BAME backgrounds are more likely to have endometriosis but yet no research is conducted into why. We must do better. We need more than performative allyship.
A number of our Cysters have reported that when seeking support from their healthcare professional they were dismissed and told that they either needed to lose weight or that their pain is "in their head."
We also suspect that for minority communities there is a much longer wait for diagnosis due to the additional barriers both culturally and due to systemic racism within the NHS.
These points should not be footnotes to the report. But instead be recognised and challenged. We deserve better and a seat at the table. #endometriosis
We still see womxn that do not have English as a first language being dismissed much quicker others. We see that other women of colour are told they should have a higher pain threshold. These things still happen #endometriosis
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