This tweet perfectly captures all of the ignorance and irrationality that drives anti-Corbynism:

1. It is grossly ill-informed. Mr Phillips makes a damning judgement about my teaching without ever having attended any of my classes or seen any syllabus that I teach..
2. If he had, he would know I go out of my way to encourage consideration and voicing of diverse perspectives in class, and that I'm as likely to cite a Daily Mail article as exemplary journalism as I am to critique one in the Canary...
3. That kind of reflexivity is of course completely alien to those trapped in their own thought bubbles. Mr Phillips may not be conscious of the obvious and deeply offensive connotations of the term 'radicalisation'...
4. He may just be using it because that's the script written for him by more prominent figures within the Labour Party, and across the media establishment, who are determined to entrench an association in the public mind between progressive politics and extremism...
5. But we might nonetheless expect Mr Phillips to have at least attempted to illustrate what he calls my "abhorrent views" with a single quoted example...
6. That would be difficult because he (presumably) knows I have consistently acknowledged the problem of antisemitism in the Labour Party; have publicly condemned some of the anti-Zionist rhetoric on the left; and even identified myself as a progressive Zionist...
6. Incredibly, that's never stopped people like Mr Phillips singling out Jews like me for baseless ad hominem attacks, all in the name of resisting antisemitism, so blissfully unaware of the tragic irony in doing so.
7. I can only assume that what he finds so 'abhorrent' is my opposition to the IHRA definition (along with dozens of leading academic experts, lawyers, rabbis and Jewish organisations around the world) or the widespread media distortion and inaccuracy that I've documented...
8. In any case, Mr Phillips' concern to "protect Jewish students on campus" is disingenuous to say the least. Witness how little he has had to say about allegations of antisemitism embroiling Tory candidates in the last election, or the complete inaction taken by the party since.
9. Like so many who have voiced similar views in similar ways, he is clearly not concerned with antisemitism in any real sense.

It may take some time, but I've no doubt the historical record will one day expose this kind of rhetoric for the vacuous nonsense that it is.
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