I think you're actually missing the core reason here, Noah, and it's super simple: projection. https://twitter.com/nberlat/status/1317907321025122304
Pedophilia is essential to the fascist project.

The fascist project is all about obeying "nature," specifically a flawed model of nature that equates physical strength with natural dominance and maximized reproduction with national strength.
The idea that women should be wed and impregnated upon menarche was practically an article of faith for large swaths of the 8chan fash crowd.

I know, I was monitoring them.

The topic was evergreen, and the fantasies were elaborate.
It would maximize white reproduction and fight the changing tide of US demographics, men argued.

They argued that Jews were brainwashing white girls into sex with Black men, and so it was a necessary way to stop that "tainting" before it began.
Some made pseudo-scientific arguments about how women's fertility peaks in her teen years (not true, actually).

Others were more blunt: you wanted a child wife because she would be easier to "train" and control.
Yes, fascists exploit the stigma of pedophilia to tarnish the reputation of their enemies.

But also... they just have pedophilia on the brain. A lot.
They're deeply invested in calling other people pedophiles because they have a vested interest in redefining the word "pedophile" to exclude their pedophilia.

They try and create a false distinction between pedophilia and ephebophilia (attraction to underage teen girls).
Like, look at Stephen Molyneux, who up until his deplatforming was a wildly (for a fascist) popular Youtuber.

His entire schtick centered around calling women over 25 barren and holding up teenage girls as ideal candidates for pregnancy.
Fash men idealize sexual relationships where a man exercises total dominion over a fertile cis woman and her reproductive faculties.

In practice, that's hard to do with an adult woman here, at least for now.

Not so much with a vulnerable girl.
We will never understand fascism until we start to understand just how much of it revolves around white patriarchy and misogyny.

It's such an overlooked but core component.

To understand their obsession with pedophilia, you really have to grapple with their misogyny first.
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