Just published an interactive #visualization of #greenhousegas emissions by country and sector - https://observablehq.com/@martindaniel4/greenhouse-gas-emissions-by-country-and-sector.
It helps me get a sense of where we should focus our effort against #ClimateChange at country level. Data from @UNFCCC for 2018. Let's dive in 👇
Metric is in millions of tons of Co2 equivalent (M TCo2e) which depicts the global warming potential of all greenhouse gas emitted in Co2 equivalent. For instance Australia emitted a total of ~557M TCo2e. Learn more about Global Warming potential at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_warming_potential
Energy (the blue ring) is ~73% of world GHG emissions. Some countries have a higher share, like Japan (88%), US (83%), Russia (79%) or Australia (78%). cc @theShiftPR0JECT
The energy you need to produce electricity and heat is the main contributor in most countries: it makes 34% (or ~420M TCo2e) in Japan or 27% in the US (1.8G TCo2e) For reference the total GHG emissions of France is ~451M TCo2e!
Talking about France and Sweden, the share of GHG emissions from Electricity & Heat is much lower, respectively 7% or ~32M TCo2e and 14% or ~7M TCo2e. Why? The main reason is using #nuclear to produce electricity which does not produce GHG emissions. See @electricityMap @tmrowco
The size of Transport category is impressive. It makes 23% or ~950M TCo2e of EU GHG emissions. Most of those emissions come from road transportation (cars, truck). This is much bigger than domestic aviation ~16.5M TCo2e that often polarizes debates. cc @AurelienBigo
Another overlooked source of GHG emissions is fugitive emissions from oil and gas industries (see thread on Gas flaring from @maxcordiez). It's 13% in Russia (~280M TCo2e) or 5% in the US (~314M TCo2e).
Lastly, I knew about the size of Agriculture and Industry, but not really about the size of emissions from Waste. It makes 3% of EU emissions or ~137M TCo2e.
Tagging a few folks that might be interested. Appreciate any feedbacks from that prestigious crowd! cc @corradio @mcjpod @bonpoteofficiel @Peters_Glen @JMJancovici @fmbreon @PeterGleick @nanransohoff @hfairfield @MLiebreich @dsaezgil @gustaf
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