So I’ve read that the teacher who said some homophobic stuff this weekend has resigned and I have thoughts which are boring but you’re welcome to read: a thread.
I’m 32 years old. My whole life, literally since I was tiny, I’ve known I was gay and til I was almost 16 I hid it for fear that people would think I was disgusting, pervy, wrong and a laundry list of other negative things.
I’ve seen victories and defeats in progress and met some lovely people both gay and straight and I’m super privileged to live my life with surprisingly little discrimination.
I’m sure the rabid phobics will currently be frothing somewhere about this. But it’s so depressing to STILL be reading this stuff for several reasons.
Every time you turn on tv, you can see an opposite sex couple dancing. You can go to events and see opposite couples dancing. You can go to a club and see opposite couples dancing.
Every gay person is like “huh people dancing, ok” as are straight people- it’s “the norm”, isn’t it?

Reading, again, still, someone’s gut reaction to two women dancing together is “eewww that’s just pandering to the PC crowd, gross, im not watching this”...
Are we seriously that grotesque to you that you literally need to turn off the tv? Putting aside how fragile that makes you- yes, you are snowflakey and fragile if you can’t watch two people DANCE ffs- do you know how demoralising it is to know people still see you like that?
Straight people have such enormous privilege inbuilt that they don’t understand what it’s LIKE to see more and more LGBTQIA representation. We get a flash of same sex dancing, a gay lead here and there. You get literally everything else.
Nobody is trying to erase you- the concept of the LGBTQIA erasing anyone is ridiculous, frankly, and again is laughably dramatic. The stage though, is big enough to be shared by all of us.
Why it’s seen as some sort of intrusion is exhausting. We are literally the same as you. We pay our tax like you, sleep with one leg out of the covers like you, eat way too many chocolate bars like you. We love like you. Stop treating us like the way we love is wrong.
People ask us to be “patient” and be “understanding”. You’ve had the time. I’m sorry that you lost your job but you cannot justify treating people as less than Cos We’re not you.
We are just people and if us existing in your spaces and doing what we do just the same as you is disgusting to you- the issue is with you and not gay people.
It’s time to share the stage.
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